Enhancing your booking
Once you have booked the hall you can enhance your booking by adding from one of our recommended businesses listed below-
Please contact them direct to book, prices and availability.
Party Food -
The Lazy Grazer contact Charlotte on 07771 148180 - email charlotte@thelazygrazer.co.uk - website www.thelazygarzer.co.uk
Social media @TheLazyGrazerLtd
Party decorations -
Lux events contact Evea on 07767 121085 - email Luxevents.enquiries@gmail.com - Facebook Lux.eve.nts
Children's entertainer and magician
Jack Ace on 01493 803864- mobile - 07855 281476 -mwebsite- jakeacemagician.co.uk (only available from October to March )
Princess Parties
AB Enchanted contact Amy or Bethany on 07557 883010 - Website www.abenchanted.co.uk -
Email enquiries@abenchanted.com
There will be more businesses added soon